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Diamond Lights

Diamond Lights
Photo: April 2006, and a reminder of the worst thing to happen as a college-age kid
"I love you, Cheryl."
"Uh-huh." She pulls on a tuft of grass and holds it between her fingers, turning her hand and examining each blade for a few seconds. As she releases her grasp, the wind catches the grass and scatters it towards the diamond lights overhead.
"Well, what?" she replies.
"Well, do you love me, too?"
He lies at the base of the pitcher mound and watches her push up to stand. She walks calmly to the top of the mound, turns to face away from the wind, and mimes throwing the ball towards the lights of the grandstand. She turns back and smiles.
He raises his head up. "What are you doing?"
She mimes a wind-up. "You know, I'm throwing my heart for you."
"And I'd catch it from the edge of third base."
"How about the bleachers?"
"It could be a home run."
"All the way to the end of the city?"
"End of the country."
"The solar system?"
She raises her knee to start her wind-up.
"I'll catch."
She smiles, lowers her knee, turns towards the wind, and walks away.
Author: Francisco Tenorio
Originally Posted: 2019/06/20
Last Updated: 2024/03/02